About Us

Powerful Past, Strong Future

Big River Connections was borne out of Flic’s love for the freshwater country of her home.

Her family originate from the region around Swan Hill, Victoria on the Murray River (Miilu), the longest river in Australia. Her mother grew up on the Murrumbidgee River which joins Miilu near Balranald, NSW. This is also where Flic’s parents met and began their relationship.

They later married in Wagga Wagga, NSW which also situated on the banks of The Murrumbidgee. The name of the company reflects Flic’s deep connectedness to her family, her people, her ancestors and her country.


Facilitator & Consultant

Felicity (Flic) Ryan is a Wadi Wadi woman and her mother’s family are freshwater people from the mallee area of Victoria, specifically around the Murray River (Miilu). She also has strong family connections to the Wemba Wemba and Yorta Yorta people around this region. Flic’s father is of Scottish background and his family hail from the area below Glasgow in the central lowlands.

Flic spent 13 years working within both State and Local Government areas and her previous roles include Women and Children’s Refuge Worker, Child Protection Officer, Community Development Officer, HIV Care and Support Officer and Sexual Health Worker.

Flic has been an accredited trainer for the past 12 years and now specialises in the development and delivery of both face-to-face and online training packages designed around Aboriginal Cultural Awareness and Competency, Self-Care for Aboriginal Workers, Aboriginal Health and Employment, Aboriginal People and Lateral Violence, and Teambuilding. She is particularly interested in assisting Aboriginal people up-skill within the workforce and has also tailored packages around Facilitating Workshops and Working with Small Groups. Each of Flic’s workshops are grounded in strengths-based concepts and focus on the well-being and advancement of Aboriginal peoples and strengthening partnerships between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people.

She is able to present in-house workshops in both the government and community sector and works on various project teams as a Consultant as required. Flic has a diverse range of experience and her style of delivery is inclusive and non-confrontational. She is a dynamic and compelling presenter who communicates with empathy and humour.

Connecting cultures

Panel Moderation and Facilitation

Flic is able to provide professional and responsive panel facilitation services for a variety of organisations. This includes research of the specific topic and/or service, tailoring of programs, consultation with panel members, effective time management, maintaining a neutral stance and post session follow-up.

Organisational and Program Audits

Flic has worked with a diverse range of organisations in completing evaluations around the creation/development of welcoming environments for Aboriginal people, and culturally appropriate service provision. She is able to assess physical environments through office audits and in additions, is able to research programs and policies and make realistic recommendations to ensure cultural safety for Aboriginal service users, and efficacy in future practice.

Interview Panels

Flic is able provide culturally appropriate and professional interview skills for organisations wishing to employ Aboriginal people. This involves research of the organisation and position, evaluation of applicants resumes, the provision of cultural greetings and introductions and professional advice about culturally appropriate interview settings and interview questions.

Cultural Supervision

Flic has provided Cultural Supervision for several individuals, both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal. Supervision can take place one-on-one or in a group setting and Flic provides this service from a strengths-based and culturally driven perspective. She ensures that she provides an environment of cultural safety and cultural development for each individual involved in the process.

Say Hello! Don’t be shy.

    Our Clients

    Flic has provided services for clients such as the NSW Police Service, Department of Family and Community Services, Roads and Maritime Services NSW , Department of Juvenile Justice NSW, UnitingCare, Police Citizens Youth Club, Life Without Barriers, Aboriginal Health and Medical Research Council, NSW Health, TAFE NSW, Cancer Australia, Network of Alcohol and Drug Agencies, Namatjira Haven Drug & Alcohol Healing Centre, Housing NSW, North Coast GP Training Network, Family Worker Training Development Program and various Aboriginal Medical Services nationwide.