Aboriginal People & Lateral Violence


KAYA KILI NHAWI PURINGA MARNMARNAPU (talk today for a better tomorrow)

Exploring and addressing the concept of Lateral Violence within Aboriginal communities and professional settings.

Lateral Violence is described as “The organised, harmful behaviors that we do to each other collectively as part of an oppressed group: within our families; within our organisations and; within our communities. When we are consistently oppressed we live with great fear and great anger and we often turn on those who are closest to us.”
– R Frankland and P Lewis, Presentation to Social Justice Unit staff, Australian Human Rights Commission, 14 March 2011

This 1-day, interactive course provides participants with the skills to identify and expose lateral violence within Aboriginal communities/workplaces and learn how to reduce its effects within both personal and professional settings.

Course topics include:

  • Defining the concept of lateral violence
  • Identifying why lateral violence occurs
  • Identifying when and where lateral violence occurs
  • Describing the effects and impacts of lateral violence
  • Developing strategies and tools to combat lateral violence and its effects